#37 Samhain

#37 Samhain

                The madman finally came to terms with the frost. He simply said, “After all it is almost Samhain”. Sounds like another excuse for a bonfire to me. In another reference to our Wheel of the Year, Samhain is the ending of the harvest and the coming of the darkness. Celtic Celebration                 Midway between…

#29 The Garden at the Lake

#29 The Garden at the Lake

The Cactus (Opuntia humifusa) is blooming, much to the madman’s surprise – with the moving of the cactus garden he didn’t expect any blooms this year. But, its yellow blossom signals, “Summer is here!” Time to focus on the garden at the lake. Short Season Container Gardening The garden at the lake is a totally…

#26 Ornaments in the Garden

#26 Ornaments in the Garden

                “Ornaments are the backbone of the garden,” says the madman. I’m not sure if that’s original, but I know he didn’t always feel that way. In fact, at one time, he agreed with my grandfather who said, “If you can’t eat it, don’t plant it.”                 Over the years, the madman has mellowed. Not…

#25 Memorial Day Weekend

#25 Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day weekend. Parades, barbecues, traffic jams – a day set aside to remember those who died in service to our country. It also signals the start of the summer season. It is okay to wear white clothes and straw hats. But, more importantly, this weekend is seen as the start of the summer gardening…

#10 Overwintering Plants

Overwintering plants from the garden is a task the madman readily accepts. He knows that living with plants all winter means he can enjoy them in the summer. Now that the days are definitely getting longer, the madman is thinking, “Can’t wait to get these plants out of here!” He is starting to get tired…