Morning Glories: September’s Flowers

Morning Glories: September’s Flowers

            The Morning Glories have reached the top of the treehouse and they are glorious.  “September’s flower,” the madman calls them. I call them the late August flowers, but that doesn’t sound as nice.             Actually, they have been blooming all summer, but in our garden now is when they really hit their peak. Incidentally,…

#57 Time for the Perseids

#57 Time for the Perseids

                Wow! It’s time for the Perseids, the madman’s favorite meteor shower. It’s not the most prolific of the year, but it comes at a time when the weather is warm. The madman imagines some ancient gardener saying, “the heavens are showering, time to plant the fall crops.”                 If you were fortunate enough to…