Time to Order Our Seeds

Time to Order Our Seeds

                Time to order our seeds. In our last blog we told you about our new night garden on the side. We are still hashing the design out, but if we want to have plants ready for spring, we’d better get some seeds ordered. Not just for the new garden, but for all the gardens….

#43 Planning Our Garden

#43 Planning Our Garden

                Time to put the holidays behind us because we have to start planning our garden. Actually, the holidays aren’t quite over. Due to sickness around Christmas, we had to push our family celebration into the new year. Mike and Harley are bringing Teddy down from Maine. They will be joined by Chris, Jenn, Liam…

Who Doesn't Like Onions?

Who Doesn't Like Onions?

                Julia Child once said, “It is hard to imagine civilization without onions.” Who doesn’t like onions? Certainly one of the madman’s favorite vegetables. I have to keep reminding him that the dish is called chicken and onions, not onions and chicken. Because he likes them so much, it’s only natural that he should grow…

Sunrise on the dessert

#41 Road Trip to Texas

                Road trip again, to Texas. The first leg of our trip saw us in San Antonio, Texas. Instead of a downtown hotel, we decided to stay in a neighborhood and booked a tiny house on a local street. The place was charming and gave us a chance to experience minimalist living. The madman said…

#40 The Perfect Christmas Tree

#40 The Perfect Christmas Tree

                The perfect Christmas tree – a concept that strikes terror in the hearts of otherwise fearless people. When thinking of Christmas trees, the madman’s memories drift back to his childhood. His dad would load the young madman and his sister into the family Buick for a tour of Christmas tree lots. The goal? –…

#39 Gifts for Gardeners

                What’s this “gifts for gardeners”? The madman has been walking around grumbling, “Not even Thanksgiving and Christmas stuff is out! Jack has already put up his Christmas tree. Bah! Humbug!”  I have to remind him Christmas is only 4 weeks away, and people have to start thinking about what to get their gardening friends….

#37 Samhain

#37 Samhain

                The madman finally came to terms with the frost. He simply said, “After all it is almost Samhain”. Sounds like another excuse for a bonfire to me. In another reference to our Wheel of the Year, Samhain is the ending of the harvest and the coming of the darkness. Celtic Celebration                 Midway between…

#36 Frost

#36 Frost

                “The frost comes on little cat feet” – my apologies to Carl Sandburg, the madman likes the phrase, but really wishes you had used frost instead of fog. The mere mention of frost strikes fear in the heart of the madman, and that first frost warning coincided with the Connecticut Association of Optometrists’ Fall…