#50 Still in Lockdown

#50 Still in Lockdown

We are still in lockdown. And, we are all getting antsy, but as a retired healthcare professional, the madman says we have to be careful and not jump the gun. Or take on a project too big to handle. We have heard a lot of chatter about people wanting to start gardens in response to…

#49 Self-Imposed Quarantine

#49 Self-Imposed Quarantine

                It is day 28 of our self-imposed quarantine. Our hats are off to the healthcare workers and all other essential workers who risk their health every day. We are doing our part to stay safe so we don’t require their services. And, while we are staying safe, we are trying to take care of…

#46 Still Talking About Bulbs

#46 Still Talking About Bulbs

We are still talking about bulbs. We’ve already talked about sun-loving bloomers. It’s time to talk about bulbs planted for their foliage. Remember, plants have leaves too, and sometimes those leaves can add a dramatic effect in the garden. Caladium One of the best known foliage bulbs is the Caladium, a tuber from the tropical…

#45 Talking About Bulbs

#45 Talking About Bulbs

                The madman has been talking about bulbs lately. Why? Because he spent the last few days at the Connecticut Flower and Garden Show. Yes, he entered plants in the Standard Flower Show. And, yes, he spent time visiting with people at the Maine Garden Booth. And yes, he manned the club table for the…

Time to Order Our Seeds

Time to Order Our Seeds

                Time to order our seeds. In our last blog we told you about our new night garden on the side. We are still hashing the design out, but if we want to have plants ready for spring, we’d better get some seeds ordered. Not just for the new garden, but for all the gardens….

#43 Planning Our Garden

#43 Planning Our Garden

                Time to put the holidays behind us because we have to start planning our garden. Actually, the holidays aren’t quite over. Due to sickness around Christmas, we had to push our family celebration into the new year. Mike and Harley are bringing Teddy down from Maine. They will be joined by Chris, Jenn, Liam…

Who Doesn't Like Onions?

Who Doesn't Like Onions?

                Julia Child once said, “It is hard to imagine civilization without onions.” Who doesn’t like onions? Certainly one of the madman’s favorite vegetables. I have to keep reminding him that the dish is called chicken and onions, not onions and chicken. Because he likes them so much, it’s only natural that he should grow…